Parking information

The different parking options :

Free (3 min by foot) : Parking for the library on the banks of the Loire.

Paid and underground (6 min by foot) : National Indigo car park, 5 rue Emile Zola 37000 Tours. A 24-hour package (with one entry and one exit allowed) is negotiated by the hotel 11€ instead of 17.60€.

Paying - Parking Meter (Mon-Sat 9am-12pm/14pm-6.30pm) : Rue du Cygne, Place Foire le Roi and Place Prosper Mérimée, rue de la Scellerie, Place François Sicard, etc...
Park with your mobile! FLOWBIRD application
No need for coins or bank cards
Pay wherever you are!
No more waiting in front of the parking meter.